Double-Wall Shields
Speed Shore offers the most advanced line of trench shielding products available. Built to last, these shields are designed and certified by Registered Professional Engineers to optimize strength-to-weight ratios while maintaining minimal sidewall thickness. Standard shields are available with 3” to 8” thick walls in a full array of heights and lengths. The comprehensive line of trench shields includes economical Single-Wall Shields for less extreme lateral pressures, specially designed Manhole Shields, and the popular heavy-duty Double-Wall Shields. Complete custom capabilities are also available to analyze and optimize shields to your specific needs.
Unique Speed Shore features include: replaceable push blocks to protect the integrity of the structure, high-tensile steel reinforcement plates for added strength in critical spreader socket areas, and a variety of industry options that are included as Speed Shore standard features. Such features make Speed Shore trench shields the preferred choice for maximum productivity and safety in the trenches.